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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Essentials to pack for the AP Chemistry Exam?

Hey fellow students, as someone with a bit of test anxiety, I want to make sure I'm super prepared. What are the essential things to bring to the AP Chemistry exam? Like, do I need a calculator, or are there specific types of pencils we're supposed to use?

a year ago

Absolutely understand wanting to be prepared, it can really help with test anxiety! For the AP Chemistry exam, you will definitely need a few key items. Firstly, bring several No. 2 pencils with good erasers for your multiple-choice answer sheet. It's also useful to have some pens with black or dark blue ink for any free-response questions. Now, as for a calculator, yes, you should bring a scientific or graphing calculator for the free-response section. Make sure it’s approved by the College Board and that you’re comfortable using it. A watch without an audible alarm can be helpful to manage your time, but it’s not necessary. Don't forget your valid school or government-issued photo ID and your AP Student Pack! And remember to leave your phone and any smart devices at home or in your locker, as they're not allowed in the testing room.

a year ago

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