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AP Psych exam resources for a perfect score?

Y'all, I'm taking AP Psych soon and I'm aiming high – like, 5 high. Can anyone share the resources or study techniques they used to really grasp the concepts? Flashcards, videos, review books? Also, how much of it is memorization versus application? Any advice would be great!

a year ago

Hello there! It's fantastic to hear about your ambition to score a 5 on your AP Psych exam. Getting there will require a mix of solid understanding, memorization, and application skills. For memorization, including key terms and foundational concepts, flashcards can be a great tool. You could use a platform like Quizlet, which likely already has AP Psych flashcards made by other students. For application, practice tests are your best friend – they'll help you with the nuances of how the concepts are tested. The College Board website provides some sample questions, and previous exam questions can usually be found online. Additionally, videos are a helpful supplement; the Crash Course Psychology series on YouTube is popular for breaking down complex ideas into digestible pieces. Try to link the theories and concepts you've learned to real-life situations, which enhances retention and understanding. Finally, review books from recognizable brands like The Princeton Review or Barron's are frequently updated to align with the exam's format and can provide structured study guides and practice exams. With the targeted use of these tools and consistent effort, you’ll be well on your way to acing the exam!

a year ago

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