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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the format of the PSAT questions?

I've been practicing like crazy for the SAT, but realized I don't know much about the PSAT's format. Are the types and styles of questions similar to the SAT, or will I be facing a whole different ballgame here?

a year ago

Hey there! No need to worry, the PSAT is very similar in format to the SAT. In fact, it's actually designed to be a preliminary version of the SAT, which is why it's often called the 'Practice SAT.' Both exams have two sections: Reading, Writing and Language; and Math. The types and styles of questions are also similar, so the ones you've been practicing for the SAT will also serve you well for the PSAT. Just like the SAT, it's multiple-choice, has no penalty for guessing, and tests similar content knowledge and skills.

The only real differences between the two tests are that PSAT is slightly shorter, and that PSAT scores are used primarily for National Merit Scholarship qualification, rather than college admissions. So, keep up the good work with your SAT prep, and you’ll find that much of it is applicable to the PSAT as well. Think of the PSAT as a great practice run for the actual SAT!

a year ago

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