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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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PSAT Section Timings

Trying not to stress, but does anyone know how long each section of the PSAT is? I want to practice to the actual test conditions, but I'm getting mixed info online. Thanks!

a year ago

It's fantastic that you're striving to practice under actual test conditions; it really can make a difference on test day. For the PSAT, you'll be looking at the following section timings: the Reading section is 60 minutes, the Writing and Language section is 35 minutes, and the Math section is split into two parts—with calculator is 45 minutes and without calculator is 25 minutes. This means you'll spend a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes testing. Remember to also account for administrative aspects and breaks – the real sitting might feel a bit longer.

To replicate the testing environment as closely as possible, make sure to take your practice tests in a quiet location, using a timer to strictly adhere to these section durations. It may also be helpful to use official College Board practice materials if you're not already doing so, as they will provide the most accurate representation of the PSAT format. Keep up the diligent prep, and good luck!

a year ago

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