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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How often can you take the PSAT?

Ok, so I'm planning out my test-taking strategy and I'm a bit confused about the PSAT. Is it a one-and-done deal, or can I take it multiple times like the SAT?

a year ago

The PSAT, unlike the SAT, is generally offered just once per year, typically in October. Most students take it in their junior year, and some may also take it in their sophomore year as practice. However, it's important to note that only the scores from the junior year PSAT are considered for the National Merit Scholarship Program. If you're aiming for National Merit, your junior year PSAT is the one that counts.

Taking it more than once isn't really necessary unless you're using your sophomore year attempt as a practice run. Focus your efforts on preparing for the SAT or ACT for actual college admissions after you've taken the PSAT. Good luck with your test strategy, and remember that while the PSAT is good practice, your efforts on the SAT/ACT will be most important for your college applications.

a year ago

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