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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is the PSAT actually optional, or do some schools require it?

I’ve got a question for y’all - I heard from a friend that their school made them take the PSAT, but mine didn’t really push for it. So, is taking the PSAT optional everywhere, or are there some schools that require it for some reason? A little clarity would be great.

a year ago

Hey there! You’ve got a great question on your hands, and I’m happy to help clarify things. In general, the PSAT is an optional test that serves mainly as practice for the SAT and for qualification for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Most high schools encourage students to take it for these reasons, but it’s not strictly required by the schools themselves. Your friend's school might be one of the few that encourages it strongly or sets it up for all students as a way to promote college readiness.

Now, aside from practice, some competitive high schools use the PSAT results for placement in advanced courses or as part of their college counseling process, but it isn’t a part of college admissions requirements. When it’s time to apply to colleges, they will be looking at your SAT or ACT scores, not your PSAT scores. Just remember, even if it’s not mandatory, taking it can still be beneficial for the reasons mentioned above, but it ultimately depends on your individual goals and the policies of your school. So, you can rest easy knowing that the PSAT isn’t a 'make or break' for your college applications.

a year ago

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