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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I know if a particular university, such as UC Davis, uses the Common App?

I've been trying to figure out my college list and I'm a bit confused about the different application platforms. Specifically, for UC Davis, how can I tell if they use the Common App? I've heard about a separate UC platform, but do all the UC schools use that one, or does it vary? Want to make sure I’m on the right track early on.

a year ago

To quickly find out if UC Davis or any other university uses the Common Application, the most reliable source is to check directly on the Common App website itself. Go to the 'Explore Colleges' section and type in UC Davis—if the school comes up, it partners with the Common App, otherwise it uses some other platform.

Regarding the UC schools specifically, all of them, including UC Davis, use the same application process and do not participate in the Common Application. They have their own system known as the UC Application, which allows you to apply to multiple UC campuses with one application.

If you're interested in non-UC schools that also aren't coming up on the Common App, head to the school's website to see how you'll be submitting your application. Make sure to do this early on, so that you can make sure you've done everything required by each platform you'll be using in advance. The college process is naturally somewhat stressful, but you can save yourself some worrying by ensuring you don't need to scramble at the last minute! Good luck!

a year ago

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