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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Using the Common App for Georgia Southern?

Quick question here - does Georgia Southern University accept the Common Application, or will I need to use their own system? I love what I’ve heard about the school, but I want to make sure I’m preparing the right materials and forms.

a year ago

Absolutely, Georgia Southern University does indeed accept the Common Application for their admissions process. This should make things a bit more convenient for you, especially if you're applying to multiple schools that also use the Common App. By using this platform, you can manage several applications in one centralized place and avoid the redundancy of filling out similar information multiple times.

Just ensure that you double-check the specific materials and essays Georgia Southern may require in addition to the standard Common App components. Each institution can request unique supplemental information or essays, so it’s crucial to review Georgia Southern’s admissions requirements thoroughly.

a year ago

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