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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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No test scores to report in Common App — is this an issue?

The Common App is indicating that I have 'no test scores to report', but I’ve chosen to apply test-optional. Is it okay to leave it like this, or should I be mentioning my decision to go test-optional somewhere in my application?

a year ago

Absolutely, it's perfectly okay to leave it as 'no test scores to report' if you are applying test-optional. Many colleges understand that students come from different backgrounds and have had varying access to standardized testing, especially given current circumstances. If a college is test-optional, they truly mean that you have the choice to submit scores only if you believe they strengthen your application.

However, if it eases your mind, you can mention your decision to apply test-optional in the additional information section of the Common App, but it's certainly not a requirement. This choice is up to you and how you feel about your overall application. If your academic record and other components of your application are strong, the absence of test scores in a test-optional context will not be a red flag. Colleges will simply focus on the other aspects of your profile to make their admissions decision. Just ensure that every other part of your application is as strong as it can be to showcase your abilities and potential.

a year ago

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