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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Blemishes on the Common App

Hey guys, bit of a personal question here. I had a rough patch sophomore year and ended up with a suspension. How does the Common App handle this – do they ask about suspensions? And if they do, any advice on how I should approach this in my application?

a year ago

Absolutely, the Common Application does ask about disciplinary history, including suspensions. You'll find this section in the 'Testing' portion of the application under 'Disciplinary History'. It's important to be honest when answering because schools can revoke admissions offers if they find you weren't forthcoming.

When explaining the incident, reflect on what led to the suspension, what you learned from it, and how you've grown since then. It's all about showing that you've moved on and improved. For instance, you might discuss the steps you've taken following your suspension, like engaging in community service and attending counseling, to demonstrate your commitment to personal growth. You can read more about how to address this blemish in your history on CollegeVine's blog:

While a suspension isn't ideal, colleges appreciate candor and growth, so use this as an opportunity to show your maturity and resilience.

a year ago

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