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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can I attach a resume to my Common App, and how?

Hey guys, quick question, I've put a lot of work into my resume and was wondering if it's possible to attach it to my Common App application? If yes, could you please explain the process? Thanks a ton!

a year ago

Hey there! Absolutely, you can attach your resume to your Common App application. You can do this by uploading the resume in the 'Additional Information' section, which is found under the 'Writing' tab. Some colleges also have a specific place in their supplement section where they allow you to upload a resume.

However, keep in mind that not all colleges require or even prefer a resume, since much of that information could be redundant with what's already in your application. Do check the specific colleges' application instructions to see if they have any guidelines on resumes—you don't want to submit something admissions officers have specifically asked that you leave out. As for the format, typically a PDF is your safest bet to ensure the formatting stays intact.

Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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