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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Navigating the SAT score submission through Common App

Hey y'all, I'm a bit confused here. I've got my SAT scores ready, but I'm unsure how to send them to colleges through the Common App. Can someone walk me through the process? Do colleges get my scores directly from College Board or do I have to do something on my end while submitting my Common App?

a year ago

Hey there! It's not unusual to find the SAT score submission process a bit tricky, so no worries! You'll need to request that the College Board send your SAT scores directly to the colleges you're applying to—they don't get sent automatically when you submit your Common App. Make sure to log in to your College Board account, go to the SAT section, and use the 'Send Scores' feature. Choose the colleges you're applying to and follow the steps. It's best to do this well ahead of your application deadlines to ensure colleges receive your scores on time.

On your actual Common App, you can self-report your scores in the testing section, but remember this is not a substitute for the official scores the College Board will send, and some schools do require this official score report. Also double-check each college's testing policy, as while many schools are test-optional, and some have gone back to requiring tests after the pandemic, some are in fact test-free, and won't consider your scores even if you submit them. So, make sure you don't accidentally send your SAT to one of these schools, as you'll just be wasting your money (you will have to pay a fee for each school you submit your score to).

All the best with your applications!

a year ago

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