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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can I round up my GPA on the Common App?

Hello all! Quick and a bit anxious here, I have a 3.746 unweighted GPA – should I round this to a 3.75 when reporting it on the Common App, or do I need to report it exactly as it is? I don't want to misrepresent myself but also want to present my GPA in the best light possible.

a year ago

On the Common App, you should report your GPA exactly as it appears on your transcript. Rounding up could be seen as inflating your academic record and may raise questions if your transcript is reviewed for verification.

It’s essential to be accurate and honest in every section of your application – admission officers appreciate precision, and the difference between a 3.746 and a 3.75 is negligible in the context of the admissions process. Instead, focus on highlighting your academic strengths and achievements in other parts of your application, such as your personal essay and extracurricular activities.

Remember, admissions officers look at your academic record as a whole and understand the rigor of your curriculum in the context of your school's profiles. The few hundredths of a GPA point will not be the deciding factor in your admission.

a year ago

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