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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How to Officially Submit Your Common App to Colleges?

Alright, I think I've filled out everything necessary on my Common App, but I'm a bit nervous about sending it off to colleges. Could someone guide me through the final submission process? How do I know if a college has received it?

a year ago

Certainly, I'll be happy to guide you through the final steps of submitting your Common Application. Once you're certain that you have completed all the sections and your essays are finalized, you'll need to navigate to the 'Dashboard' on your Common App portal. Here, you will find a list of the colleges you have added. Each college will have a 'Submit Application' tab. Before you can submit, make sure you have completed the college's specific questions and that you review the 'Application Fees' section. Some colleges may require a fee waiver or payment before submission.

Next, review your application once more and if you feel everything is ready, click on 'Submit'. You will receive an email confirmation for each college to which you apply, this assures you the application has been received. Additionally, you can check the status of your applications under the 'My Colleges' tab in your Common App. There should be a green checkmark or a date confirming submission next to each college's name. Once you receive the email confirmations and see the indicators on your Common App dashboard, you can rest assured that your applications have been officially submitted. I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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