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Decoding Academic Honors on the Common App

Yo, I've been loading up on honors classes and I've done pretty decently. But now I'm facing the Common App and I'm not exactly sure which of my accomplishments qualify as 'academic honors.' Like, would being on the honor roll count, or does it have to be more like winning a state science fair? A bit lost here...

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to hear that you're taking the time to thoughtfully fill out your Common App. Academic honors can include a range of accomplishments, so you're right to seek clarification. Certainly, anything related to academic competitions, like winning a state science fair, would be a significant academic honor. But don't discount achievements like being on the honor roll. This consistently demonstrates your academic prowess over a period of time and should definitely be mentioned.

Think in terms of distinctions that are selective and recognize your academic talents – regional, state, national, or international awards definitely qualify. Also, if you've been recognized by outside organizations for your academic work, those are worth including as well. For example, if you participated in a math league and received an award for your performance, that's an academic honor.

Remember, the Common App has space for you to list up to five honors, so prioritize the most selective or prestigious. It's better to list fewer significant honors than to stretch to fill all five spots with less momentous acknowledgments. If you do end up with extra space, then you can consider including things like AP Scholar awards or school subject-specific awards. Finally, remember to list them in descending order of importance – not necessarily chronological order – with the most impressive recognition first. Good luck, and I hope this helps to clarify what you should include in your application!

a year ago

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