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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a recipe format too quirky for my college essay?

Hey folks, I've been brainstorming essay ideas and I have this really personal and elaborate recipe that I feel represents my growth and creativity. I'm just not sure if framing my college essay like a recipe could come across as too unconventional or even gimmicky. Thoughts?

a year ago

Absolutely not too quirky, in fact, that sounds incredibly unique and reflective of who you are! College essays are a fantastic place to showcase your creativity, and admissions officers really do appreciate a fresh take on the essay format. I've worked with a student who successfully wrote their essay as a series of diary entries, which helped them get into their top-choice school. The recipe format could similarly stand out if you weave in personal growth and insights just as you would add ingredients to a recipe. Just ensure that your essay doesn't lose sight of the main course—'you.' Every 'ingredient' should reveal something about your character, challenges, successes, or experiences that have shaped you. As long as you balance creativity with clear, direct storytelling that gives admission officers a taste of who you are beyond just your grades and test scores, you're sure to cook up a winning essay. Keep it personal, heartfelt, and, most importantly, true to you, and don't be afraid to ask for feedback from others to make sure the format is working as well as the content. Bon appétit on your essay writing journey!

a year ago

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