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Can I use the Common App for SUNY schools?

Does anyone have experience applying to SUNY schools using the Common App? Or do they require a different application method?

a year ago

Hello there! Great question! 25 of the 64 SUNY campuses partner with the Common Application, which can definitely streamline your application process if you're applying to more than one SUNY school from this group. Do make sure to check the specific requirements for each SUNY school you're applying to, as even those on the Common App may have different essay prompts or supplemental information that you need to provide.

If you have any SUNY schools that aren't on the Common App, check their admissions site to make sure you know where you'll need to submit your application. I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with any additional platforms early, to make sure you aren't scrambling trying to get everything filled in at the last minute.

In short, you most certainly can use the Common Application for certain SUNY schools, but others will require you to venture onto other platforms, some of which may even be particular to that specific school. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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