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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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As a junior, is it possible to retake the PSAT?

I’m a junior and just took the PSAT, but I was wondering, can I take it again next year for a better score, or is junior year the last chance I get? Also, does it look bad to colleges if I take it multiple times?

a year ago

Unfortunately, the PSAT can only be taken during your junior yea, as this is the official 'PSAT/NMSQT' that qualifies for National Merit Scholarship consideration. While you can technically take the PSAT as a sophomore or even a freshman, these earlier scores aren't considered for National Merit. Your junior year is your only opportunity to take the test for the scholarship competition.

To answer the other part of your question, colleges do not see your PSAT scores unless you self-report them, and they do not factor into college admissions decisions. The PSAT is purely a practice tool for the SAT and a qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship. A better use of your time at this point would be to focus on preparing for the SAT or ACT, as these scores are a part of your college application and can have an impact on admissions decisions.

a year ago

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