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Could an essay about my relationship with my sister stand out to admissions?

My sis and I have gone through a lot together, and she's had a big impact on who I am. Is writing about my sister a solid choice for my personal statement, or is it seen as too personal/family-centered?

a year ago

Absolutely, sharing your personal story about your relationship with your sister can indeed stand out in your admissions essay. The most engaging essays often revolve around personal growth and the influence others have on us. Since your sister has had a significant impact on your life, this could be a compelling subject for your personal statement.

It's all about how you frame it. Make sure to focus on what this relationship has taught you, how it's shaped your character, and what values you've gained from it. Admissions officers are looking for depth and reflection, so if you can show them how your experiences with your sister have made you a more mature, empathetic, or resilient person, that will resonate well.

Just ensure that the essay ultimately centers around you and your own development, rather than being solely a narrative about your sister. For example, if you've learned the importance of patience and support through your interactions, explaining how those lessons have been applied in other areas of your life can be very effective. Wishing you the best of luck with your writing!

a year ago

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