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Is it too meta to write an essay about writing the college essay?

I've had a pretty unique experience with the whole process of writing my college essay and thought it could be interesting. But is it too navel-gazing or try-hard to write about writing the essay itself?

a year ago

While the meta approach of writing about writing your college essay could showcase your self-awareness and reflective ability, it's also risky. Admissions officers have seen this meta concept before, and it can come across as a little cliché or lacking in substantive content that tells them who you really are outside of this one experience. If your experience with writing the college essay has genuinely been transformative, it might make for a compelling story. However, be sure to focus on the personal growth or unique insights you gained, rather than merely the act of writing the essay. If you choose to proceed with this topic, ensure that it reveals something deep and genuine about your character, values, or life philosophy. Maybe you could connect it to a broader narrative about overcoming academic challenges, or how the process led you to a revelation about your future goals. Just remember, the essay should ultimately provide a window into some aspect of who you are that other parts of your application do not.

a year ago

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