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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How much freedom do I have with my college essay topics?

I'm just starting to brainstorm for my college essays and I'm slightly freaking out about picking the 'right' topic. Real talk, how much leeway do I actually have? Can I get creative or do colleges expect a certain type of story?

a year ago

It's natural to feel a bit of anxiety about choosing the perfect college essay topic. The truth is, you have so much freedom in selecting what you write about. The main objective is to showcase your unique personality and perspectives. Colleges are interested in learning who you are, and a creative, well-crafted essay can set you apart. Sure, there are some no-go topics that are overdone or can be contentious, but aside from avoiding those, you're encouraged to think outside the box. Take an experience or an aspect of your life that is meaningful to you and weave a narrative that reflects your identity and values. For example, a student I knew wrote about their experience starting a small online business during the pandemic, highlighting innovation and resilience. So go ahead and explore different ideas until you find one that feels right to you!

a year ago

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