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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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PSAT Participation - Mandatory or Optional?

Hey there! I'm trying to plan out my sophomore year, and I’ve got a quick question - is taking the PSAT mandatory? Do all students have to take it, or can you choose to opt-out? What would I miss out on if I decided not to take it?

a year ago

Hello! It's always good to plan ahead, so I'm glad you're asking these questions. The PSAT, commonly known as the Preliminary SAT, is not mandatory; it's an optional exam that sophomores and juniors can choose to take. However, many schools do encourage participation as it can serve as a beneficial practice for the SAT and provides a gauge for college readiness. If you opt out, you might miss the chance to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program, which is only available to juniors who take the PSAT.

Additionally, the PSAT offers personalized feedback on academic skills, which might give you a heads-up on areas to improve before you take the SAT or ACT. Taking it can also be helpful in getting accustomed to the standardized test environment, which can be quite unique compared to regular classroom tests. Additionally, some students find that their PSAT scores unlock opportunities for other scholarships or recognition programs. However, if you feel that it's not right for you or have other commitments, it's perfectly fine to opt out. Just weigh the benefits against your current priorities and make the decision that aligns with your academic and personal goals.

a year ago

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