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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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TI 36X Pro on PSAT: Can I Use It?

Quick question for anyone who's in the know: I have a TI 36X Pro calculator, and I’m wondering if it's permitted on the PSAT. I’ve been practicing with it, so I’d really prefer to use the same one on test day.

a year ago

Hello there! Absolutely, you can use the TI-36X Pro calculator on the PSAT. The College Board, which administers the PSAT, allows a wide range of calculators, provided they are not equipped with a QWERTY keyboard, do not have a pen-input or stylus capability, and aren't a calculator with a paper tape. The TI-36X Pro meets these criteria and is a common choice among students for standardized tests.

It's excellent you're already practicing with the calculator you plan to use on test day. Familiarity with your calculator can help save valuable time during the exam. Just make sure the calculator is in good working order, has fresh batteries, and you're comfortable with all the necessary functions you might need to use. Best of luck on your PSAT—having a reliable tool you're accustomed to can make a significant difference in easing test-day nerves!

a year ago

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