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Writing Section on the PSAT: Yay or Nay?

Guys, is there a separate writing section on the PSAT? I've been practicing my essays, but I'm not sure if I even need to for this test. Can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere, help a junior out!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're practicing your essays, as strong writing skills are always beneficial. However, the PSAT does not have a separate, scored essay section. The test is divided into Evidence-Based Reading, Writing & Language, and Math sections. The Writing & Language section does test your ability to revise and edit texts for clarity, grammar, and punctuation, but it won't require you to write an essay from scratch. So, while your essay practice won't directly apply to the PSAT itself, it's still valuable practice for future standardized tests you might take, such as the SAT, which does have an optional Essay section. Keep honing those writing skills, and they'll come in handy for your college admissions essays down the line! For now, focus on getting comfortable with the multiple-choice questions you'll see on the Writing & Language section of the PSAT. You've got this!

a year ago

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