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Can I explore my religious beliefs in my college essay by mentioning God?

So, religion has been a huge influence on my life, and naturally, I want to include that in my college essay. However, I'm not sure how mentioning God might be perceived by the admissions committee. Will it come across as too preachy or off-putting? Thoughts?

a year ago

Absolutely, you can explore your religious beliefs in your college essay, including mentioning God. It's important to remember that admissions committees are interested in getting to know you as a whole person, and for many, faith is a significant part of their identity. Your essay should reflect who you are, and if that means discussing your religion, then that's what you should write about.

The key is to focus on how your religious beliefs have shaped you and influenced your actions or perspectives, rather than attempting to proselytize or preach to the reader. It's more about your personal journey and reflections. For example, if your community service initiatives were motivated by your faith, that could make for a powerful essay topic, illustrating how your beliefs translate into tangible actions.

Be mindful of your audience; assuming a pluralistic standpoint rather than assuming the reader shares your beliefs will help prevent your essay from being off-putting. Colleges appreciate diversity, and that includes diversity of thought and belief. As long as you're authentic and respectful, you should feel free to discuss faith in your essay.

a year ago

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