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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is studying for the PSAT worth the effort?

Hey everyone, got a bit of a dilemma here. I'm considering whether I should invest time into studying for the PSAT. Do you think it makes a big difference in scores, or should I just go in with what I've learned in school so far?

a year ago

Absolutely, studying for the PSAT can be a worthwhile investment, and I've seen students significantly improve their scores with some focused review and practice. This test not only serves as a precursor to the SAT, providing a valuable practice experience, but it's also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Achieving a high score could potentially gain you scholarships and commendation, but beyond that, the PSAT can help you identify areas that need improvement before you sit for the SAT or ACT.

Many students increase their PSAT score by a significant amount after dedicated study, which often gives them a huge confidence boost for the SAT. If you decide to study, focus on areas that typically challenge you and utilize resources like official practice tests and study guides. Even if you don't go all out in your preparation, some focused review, particularly in your weaker subject areas, can lead to a better performance and provide insights into the SAT/ACT. Good luck!

a year ago

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