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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Admission Tips for Different Colleges at Clemson?

Hey all, I'm a junior planning to apply to Clemson next year, but not quite sure which college yet. Could anyone share insights about which Clemson college might be the softest target for admission?

5 months ago

While Clemson University doesn't release admission rates by individual college, there are ways to discern the relative competitiveness of different programs. As a general rule, highly specialized and rigorous majors such as those within the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences tend to have a higher level of competition for spots.

Nonetheless, remember that it's crucially important to choose a major and college based on your interests and career aspirations rather than simply aiming for what may seem the "easiest" to get into. Admissions officers like students who are passionate and dedicated to their studies, and merely opting for what's perceived to be the less competitive route may not set you up for long-term success or satisfaction.

Consider reaching out to Clemson directly to get more granular data on admission rates for each college if available. Additionally, exploring the specific course offerings, research opportunities, faculty backgrounds, and student projects in each college can give you a sense of where your own interests and passions align.

Talk with any current students or alumni you might know about their experiences. Lastly, gaining experiences relevant to your preferred major or college through internships, research, or extracurriculars can effectively demonstrate your commitment to your field of study, thereby increasing your chances of getting accepted in the college of your choice.

Remember the insights shared here are not official and it's always wise to keep researching and getting as much information as possible. Best of luck!

5 months ago

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