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Easiest College to Enter at Cornell University?

Hey guys, Cornell is one of my dream schools and I'm trying to get a realistic understanding of my chances here. Does anyone have insights on which colleges within Cornell are statistically easier to get into?

5 months ago

Hi! Admission rates can vary across Cornell's colleges due to differing application volumes and standards each college might prioritize. However, keep in mind that you should apply to the college that most aligns with your academic interests, not solely based on a potentially higher acceptance rate. That being said, the Colleges of Industrial and Labor Relations and Agriculture and Life Sciences have traditionally had slightly higher acceptance rates compared to others like the College of Engineering or the College of Arts and Sciences.

It's still important to keep in mind that all of Cornell's programs are competitive and require a solid academic record and significant extracurricular involvement. Remember that they'll be looking for students who are a good fit for the specific program to which they're applying.

For instance, if you display a strong interest and background in labor relations, you'd be a more compelling candidate for the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, despite not necessarily having as academic a background as you would for the more math-intensive College of Engineering.

Additionally, consider the contract colleges, such as the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Human Ecology, and the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. These are funded, in part, by the New York State government, and as a result, in-state students might find slightly more favorable admissions rates.

Ultimately, choose the college that closely aligns with your field of interest and where you can showcase your "spike" or developed specialty.

5 months ago

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