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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's it like to get into the University of Phoenix?

I'm analyzing some alternatives to traditional four-year colleges and was wondering about the University of Phoenix and similar online institutions. If someone knows, is it less competitive to get admitted there?

5 months ago

Certainly, the admission process at the University of Phoenix and similar online institutes is typically more inclusive and less competitive compared to many traditional four-year colleges. This doesn't mean, however, that they just accept anyone. Admission still requires that certain criteria are met.

For example, University of Phoenix requires potential undergraduate students to have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent. However, there's no standardized testing requirement (such as the SAT or ACT) for most programs.

Furthermore, these institutions often cater to adult learners and others seeking a more flexible higher-education pathway. This means they typically offer rolling admissions—where candidates can apply at any time and start their studies at multiple points throughout the year.

While the process might be less competitive, be sure to research the field and career you're interested in before enrolling. Some industries might prefer traditional degrees over online ones. This is something to look into and consider when deciding if the University of Phoenix or another online institution is a suitable choice for you.

5 months ago

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