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Veteran-friendly colleges that are easier to get into?

Military veteran here looking to transition into college life. Are there any colleges out there that have a reputation for being more accommodating/easier for veterans to get into? Any feedback would be appreciated.

5 months ago

Thanks for your service and your question! Let me give you a few recommendations.

Generally, public state universities tend to have stronger veterans programs. This is, in part, due to their diverse student bodies and opaque admissions policies that can accommodate a variety of non-traditional students. Furthermore, many of them offer in-state tuition for all veterans, regardless of their home state.

Arizona State University, for example, is considered quite veteran-friendly. They offer a lot of programs for veterans, including the Pat Tillman Veterans Center, which provides support services like academic coaching and counseling. Plus, they have a fairly high acceptance rate, making it more accessible.

University of South Florida is another school to consider. It has a Veteran Success program designed to help veterans transition and succeed in a college setting. They have a higher acceptance rate and over 2,000 veterans, active-duty military members, and their dependents attending.

If you’re considering smaller institutions, Eastern Kentucky University is often highlighted for its veteran-friendly policies. It has extensive resources dedicated to veterans and it comes with a high acceptance rate.

When considering colleges, a helpful resource could be the yearly "Best for Vets" rankings by Military Times. They evaluate factors such as veteran graduation rates, student-to-faculty ratios, veteran population, GI Bill gap coverage, and more.

And one more point: keep in mind that, as a veteran, you bring considerable life experience to your college applications. These experiences can make for compelling personal essays that could boost your chances at even more selective schools.

5 months ago

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