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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Easiest college to get into at University of Minnesota?

Hi there. I'm planning on applying to the University of Minnesota next year, but I know some colleges within UMN might be less competitive than others. I just want to maximize my chances of acceptance. Can anyone tell me which college or school within UMN tends to have higher acceptance rates? I'm super serious about this so don't worry about me not working hard enough post-admission. Grateful for your responses!

5 months ago

Based on acceptance rates alone, the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at the University of Minnesota generally tends to be less competitive than some of the other colleges within the university. Keep in mind, though, that acceptance rates can fluctuate year by year and can depend on the number and caliber of applicants.

However, it's always a good idea to align the college you choose with your intended area of study and future career goals - remember, each college has its own academic focus. CEHD, for example, offers programs such as elementary education, special education, sport management, and family social science.

For you, it might not be just about getting into the university, but also about finding the program that best suits your academic and career aspirations. It's great to understand where you might have a better shot of getting in, but success in college and beyond is generally more about fit and commitment to your field of study.

It's a good practice to thoroughly research the programs in various colleges of the University of Minnesota to find what aligns with your interests and goals. Reach out to the admissions office, current students, or alumni for more insight. You could also explore the option of transferring between colleges within the university after a year or two if your interests change or you become more attracted to a program in a separate college. Good luck in your college journey!

5 months ago

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