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'Easy' College Majors: What Are They?

Hi everyone, I'm sorta new here but was wondering what are the top 'easiest' majors at college? And when I say easiest, I mean which ones have a reputation for less stress and a more manageable workload?

5 months ago

It's important to remember that the 'ease' of any major really depends on what your strengths, interests, and goals are. What might seem easy for one person could be quite challenging for another. However, there are some majors that are generally considered to have a lighter workload and are thus sometimes considered 'less stressful'. These majors often don't require as many stringent technical or lab classes, which can lessen the workload a bit.

1. Communications: Most of your classes will be reading, writing, and discussion based, instead of having lots of tests or complex projects.

2. Sociology: Like communications, this major often involves a lot of reading and discussion. You'll probably have several papers to write, but not too many exams.

3. Business Administration: While it can get quite technical with some courses, many find the workload to be quite manageable compared to other majors.

4. Social Work: This major is generally not as intensive as some of the hard sciences, and it mostly involves learning about community resources, various social issues, and methods of support.

5. Education: While teaching can certainly be challenging, the coursework for education majors is often considered less demanding than that for engineering or pre-med students. You'll be focusing mostly on learning various teaching techniques and designing lesson plans.

6. English: This major involves a lot of reading and writing, but doesn't typically have the same level of technicality and difficult exams associated with majors like physics or engineering.

7. History: You'll spend a great deal of time reading and writing about it, but you won't usually have to deal with rigorous mathematical concepts or have lab classes.

8. Humanities: Many Humanities majors involve heavy reading, but they don't usually require difficult math or science classes.

Remember, the goal should not necessarily be to find the easiest major, but to find one that will be manageable for you while also aligning with your career goals and intellectual interests. Easy doesn't always equate to fulfilling or successful, so it's essential you balance these aspects when choosing a major.

5 months ago

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