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Easiest College Football Strength of Schedule?

Hey guys, just a junior here who loves college football. I'm curious, which college football programs have the easiest strength of schedules? I'm not looking for a rigorous competition, just to play and enjoy the game in college.

5 months ago

While it's important to note that strength of schedule can change from year to year based on which teams a school is scheduled against, there are certain college football programs that generally tend to have less strenuous schedules than others. These are typically found among Division III and Division II schools, as well as lower-tier Division I programs.

For instance, teams in the Division III New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) such as Amherst College and Williams College are known for more balanced competition and focus on academics. In Division II, conferences like the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (GMAC) often offer a more manageable level of play. Within the lower-tier Division I FCS (Football Championship Subdivision), teams like ones in the Patriot League (like Colgate and Lafayette College) often have easier schedules than FCS power conferences or the FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision).

Remember, though, other factors beyond simply the average strength of opponent come into play. For example, you'll want to consider the overall commitment required for the football program (practice times, travel for games, etc.) versus your academic workload.

It's also worth considering that playing for a college football team can be an enriching experience, even if the schedule is tough or the team doesn't win every game. You'll have the opportunity to form close bonds with your teammates, learn from your coaches, and develop skills like leadership and teamwork that can be valuable in other areas of life.

In any case, watching a few games, talking with current players, and meeting with coaches can give you a better idea of what to expect in your chosen football program. Just keep in mind that ultimately, you want to choose a college that will be a good fit for your academic, athletic, and personal interests.

5 months ago

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