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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insight Needed: Easiest Majors for College Admission

I understand some majors are more competitive than others during the admission process. Which majors generally have a better acceptance rate or are easier to get into?

5 months ago

Keep in mind that when you're applying to college, the admission officers consider your abilities, interests, and potential to succeed in the major you've chosen. Picking a major solely based on acceptance rates might not set you up for success in the long run.

That being said, there are indeed some majors that might be less competitive than others, but it can vary from school to school. For instance, majors like Humanities, Social Sciences and Education often have higher acceptance rates than more specialized and demanding majors like Engineering, Computer Science or Pre-med. These STEM fields usually have more rigorous admission requirements due to their rigorous coursework and high demand.

In addition, larger programs may have higher acceptance rates simply because they can accommodate more students. However, this does not necessarily mean that they're "easier" to get into, but that they have more spaces available for students.

Lastly, it's crucial to consider your personal interests and career goals when picking a major. If you're truly passionate about a topic, that passion can help carry you through the challenges of the coursework and will probably make your college experience a lot more fulfilling. For example, if you have a genuine interest in Biology despite its competitveness, you might find classes enjoyable and be more inclined to engage in valuable experiences such as internships or research projects.

Remember, your framework for making this decision should be based on a balance of your academic interests, career goals, and realistically assessing your academic strengths. Choosing a major simply due to its perception as 'easier' may not work in your favor in the long run, particularly if you're not genuinely interested in the subject matter.

5 months ago

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