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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Looking for suggestions on easy college degrees

Hi all, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with college choices, and I'd love to have your thoughts on what some of the 'easier' degrees are? I understand 'easy' is relative, but I’m just looking for some options that aren’t known for their intensive workload. Please don't judge, I’m just trying to take care of my mental health on this journey.

5 months ago

Absolutely no judgement here! The concept of 'easy' or 'hard' when it comes to a major is truly relative and depends heavily on your natural talents, interests, and the areas that you may struggle in.

1. Communication: A degree in communications can be relatively manageable with less intensive workload, yet it delivers versatile skills that you can take into various sectors such as media, PR, marketing, and human resources.

2. Education: If you enjoy working with kids or have a passion for certain subjects, an education major might be a good fit. The workload can be lighter compared to STEM majors, and there are plenty of job opportunities in the education field.

3. Social Sciences: Fields like sociology or psychology tend to be less demanding in terms of math and hard science courses. They offer interesting coursework and variable career paths as well.

4. Business Administration/Management: This is a multifaceted major that is quite versatile in the job market. It can vary by program, but many students find the course load manageable.

Remember, the most important thing is to choose a field that aligns with your career goals and interests. Also consider that your first year, you'll mostly be taking general education credits, so you'll have time to explore different fields through those courses before declaring a major. It's all about balancing realistic expectations of workload with what will make you happy and lead you in a direction you're excited about career-wise.

5 months ago

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