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Easiest online college for mobile development?

Hey everyone, does anybody have suggestions for online colleges that offer mobile development programs that are relatively easy to finish? I'm just starting in this field and would appreciate any advice.

5 months ago

There are a few colleges that offer online programs in mobile development. Many of them provide a flexible schedule and a course workload that is manageable for newcomers. Here are a few recommendations:

1. Franklin University: They offer an online Bachelor's Degree in Software Development. This program covers a range of topics that are relevant to mobile development.

2. Walden University: Their online Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science provides an optional specialization in Software Engineering, which would give you a good foundation for mobile development.

3. Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU): Known for their flexible and accessible online programs, SNHU offers a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering.

It's important to note that even though these programs may be relatively more manageable in terms of workload and difficulty, you'll still need to put in a considerable amount of effort to grasp the technical skills. Understanding programming languages like Java and Swift, which are commonly used in mobile app development, will be a crucial part of your learning journey.

Remember, every student's experience with a program can vary, and "easy" can be subjective. Take advantage of resources and support offered by the program, such as tutoring services, office hours, or study groups. Dedication, regular practice, and a well-structured study plan can further enhance your success in these online programs.

Lastly, I'd recommend reaching out to the admissions offices of these schools to gather more specific details about their courses and their suitability for beginners in the mobile development field.

5 months ago

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