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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do colleges view extracurricular leadership roles?

Hey everyone! I'm involved in a couple of clubs and I'm thinking about running for leadership positions. How important are these roles in the eyes of college admissions officers? Will being the president of a club significantly boost my application?

a year ago

Hey there! College admissions officers often look favorably on students who take initiative and show leadership within their extracurricular activities. Taking on leadership roles like club president can demonstrate your ability to manage responsibilities, work with a team, and potentially lead initiatives within the organization.

While having a title is great, what's often more important is what you actually do with the position—such as any impactful projects you spearhead or changes you successfully implement within the club. For example, if as president you organize a community service event that has a big turnout and positive local impact, that achievement is something colleges would love to hear about in your application.

In essence, it's not just about the title, but the substantive experiences and achievements that come with it.

a year ago

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