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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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PSAT Registration: Where to do it?

I know I need to sign up for the PSAT soon, but I'm a bit confused about where to actually register. Could someone guide me through the process, like is it something I can do online or do I need to go somewhere in person?

a year ago

Happy to guide you through the PSAT registration process! Typically, students register for the PSAT at their own high school. Registration isn't done online via a College Board account, as it is for the SAT. Instead, you'll need to check in with your school's guidance office or counseling center to see when they are planning to administer the test and what you need to do to sign up.

Most high schools offer the PSAT once a year in October. The process usually involves filling out a registration form and paying a fee, which can vary depending on your school. Make sure to ask about registration deadlines so you don't miss out, as they can be several weeks or even months before the test date.

If your school doesn't offer the PSAT or if you're homeschooled, you can still take the test by contacting other local high schools or educational institutions to see if you can register there. The College Board website has a search tool that you can use to find nearby schools that are administering the PSAT.

Just reach out to the school's main office or counseling center, explain your situation, and ask if you can register for the test with them. Don't hesitate to start this process early, as schools have different policies and may need time to accommodate you. If you run into any roadblocks or just want some help navigating this, feel free to come back and ask. Good luck with your testing!

a year ago

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