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University Course Difficulty

I'm really feeling the pressure of picking the right university courses. Here's the question: what is considered generally as the easiest course to study in university across all majors? Is there such a thing?

a month ago

When it comes to picking university courses, it is very subjective and depends on each individual's strengths, passions, and career goals. While you may hear anecdotes about certain courses being "easier," the reality is that there's no universal "easiest course" across all majors. Everyone has different skills, talents, and learning styles, so what may feel easy for one person could feel incredibly challenging for another.

For example, if you love to read and write, you might find English or comparative literature courses genuinely enjoyable and less challenging. Similarly, if you have a knack for numbers or problem-solving, certain math or engineering courses might come naturally to you. Conversely, a person with a propensity for the sciences could struggle in social science or humanities courses and vice-versa.

That said, some introductory courses or survey courses are generally designed to be less rigorous to allow students getting their first taste of university-level coursework to adjust to the new academic environment. But again, these courses' difficulty will depend on your own strengths, the professor, the university you attend, and a variety of other factors.

Instead of focusing on finding the "easiest" course, perhaps consider which subjects or fields truly excite you, where your strengths lie, and what aligns with your long-term goals. This way, your courses will be less about ease or difficulty and more about personal growth, intellectual exploration, and progress towards your future career.

a month ago

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