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Picking a Major: Easiest Fields of Study in College?

Hello, folks! I'm exploring my options for majors right now and I'm worried about burnout and workload. So, I'm curious, what are generally considered the 'easiest' fields to study in college? I understand 'easy' is relative, but is there any consensus on this?

a month ago

While it's true that 'easy' or 'difficult' can be highly subjective and vary greatly from person to person based on their individual differences, certain areas of study have a reputation for being more manageable for the average student. Additionally, it's essential to remember that what is most manageable or satisfying for you will depend on your personal interests and strengths. Focusing purely on perceived "easy" majors may not necessarily set you up for long-term career satisfaction or success.

Having said that, the fields of study that are often mentioned as less demanding when considered purely from an academic standpoint include: Communication, Psychology, Education, Sociology, English, and certain Business majors such as Marketing and Human Resources. English and Communication, for instance, tend to focus on reading and writing assignments rather than complex problem-solving or lab work.

Conversely, majors like Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are often considered more challenging due to workload, complexity of the subject matter, and the necessity for strong problem-solving and quantitative skills.

However, the difficulty of a major can vary substantially depending on the specific college or program. What might be considered an 'easy' major at one university could be quite rigorous at another. Plus, different professors may have different expectations regarding workload, even within the same department.

Ultimately, it is wise to consider your own interests, skills, and professional goals when selecting a major, rather than focusing solely on the perceived level of difficulty. If you choose a path that you are passionate about, you are much more likely to find the work rewarding and manageable, regardless of its difficulty.

a month ago

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