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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Information on Ohio Colleges

Hey, I'm a junior currently narrowing down the list of colleges I'd be applying to in my senior year. I'm looking for some colleges in Ohio that have easier admission processes. Could anyone share input on Ohio colleges with relatively higher acceptance rates?

a month ago

Sure, happy to provide info on some Ohio colleges with higher acceptance rates.

1. Cleveland State University: Located in downtown Cleveland, this university has an acceptance rate of around 85%. It has a diverse range of courses with notable programs in Business, Engineering, Fine Arts, and Law.

2. University of Toledo: This college has a large, 1600 acre campus with a robust selection of undergraduate majors. It boasts around an 90% acceptance rate and offers scholarship opportunities and honors programs.

3. Youngstown State University: Located in Youngstown, Ohio, this university has a deep-rooted connection with the local community and a suburban campus. It has an acceptance rate of around 78% and offers a variety of programs with education, business, and social work being some of the prominently sought-after ones.

4. Bowling Green State University: With an acceptance rate of about 79%, BGSU could also be a consideration. The college offers a multitude of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, with Business, Education, and Liberal Arts majors being popular.

Remember that while these colleges have a comparatively higher acceptance rate, it still takes hard work to get admitted. Maintain good grades, involve yourself in extracurricular activities, and focus on writing compelling essays to increase your chances of admission. Good luck with your college applications!

a month ago

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