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Admission Difficulty among Different Colleges in Cornell University

Hope everyone is doing great! I am considering applying to Cornell University and I am eager to learn about the relative admission difficulty across its different colleges. I've heard that some colleges within Cornell might be easier to get into than others. Can anyone provide insights on this?

a month ago

Absolutely, each college at Cornell University does indeed have a different acceptance rate. It's important to note, however, that you should choose to apply to the college that best aligns with your academic interests and career goals, not simply based on perceived admission difficulty.

That said, Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS), School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR), and College of Human Ecology typically have higher acceptance rates compared to other colleges at Cornell. Engineering and Arts & Sciences are generally more competitive.

In some of these colleges, the applicant pool might be self-selecting, meaning students with specific interests or talents apply to them, hence why the acceptance rate might be higher. For example, CALS has strong programs in subjects like agriculture, food science, and animal science, which could attract students with specific interests and qualifications in these areas.

It's worth mentioning that regardless of the school you choose, Cornell University is looking for students who are passionate about their intended major and can demonstrate their enthusiasm and commitment to it—whether it's in your essays, extracurricular activities, or coursework.

I hope this helps! Remember, your fit to the college you're applying to is significantly more important than the varying acceptance rates. Good luck with your application!

a month ago

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