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SAT: 720 math
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What are some of the easiest sports teams to join in college?

Hey guys, I've been thinking about trying out for a sports team when I get to college, but I'm not a super athlete or anything. Do you know which sports teams are usually easier to join at the college level, specifically for a student who just wants to play for fun?

a month ago

Sure, many colleges offer a mix of varsity sports, intramural sports, and club sports, which have different levels of competitiveness and time commitments. Varsity sports often require a high level of skill and a significant time investment, but intramurals and club sports can be a great option if you're looking for a less competitive, more relaxed environment.

Most intramural and club sports teams are open to anyone, regardless of skill level. Some popular intramural and club sports often found on campuses include ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, flag football, soccer, and volleyball. However, this varies greatly depending on the college. Some colleges might have unique offerings like quidditch (from the Harry Potter series), inner tube water polo, or broomball.

In addition to being a fun physical activity, these sports can offer a great way to meet people with similar interests. You can typically look up a list of sports offered at a college on their official website. Keep in mind that intramural and club sports teams are typically managed by students, so it can be beneficial to reach out to them directly!

a month ago

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