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What's the consensus on submitting a college essay in poem format?

I'm an avid poet, and I think I could express myself best through verse. Could crafting my essay as a poem distinguish me, or might it be too unconventional for the admissions committee?

a year ago

Crafting your college essay in a poem format is certainly a bold choice, and it could indeed set you apart if done exceptionally well. Since the essay is an opportunity to showcase your individuality and writing skills, a well-composed poem that effectively communicates your experiences, thoughts, or identity could make a positive impression. However, it's important to ensure that your poem still addresses the prompt and provides insight into who you are in a way that the admissions committee can appreciate. Some institutions may be more open to unconventional formats than others, so consider the culture of the schools to which you're applying. For example, a liberal arts college with a strong creative writing program might be more receptive to a poem than a large, research-intensive university. Ultimately, make sure your poem closely aligns with the essay prompt and clearly conveys your story, as admissions officers will still be looking for these elements regardless of the format.

a year ago

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