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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which calculators are PSAT-approved?

Alright, I'm trying to get all my stuff together for the PSAT, and I suddenly realized I have no idea what calculators are allowed. If you've taken the PSAT recently, could you let me know what kind of calculator you used?

a year ago

Hey there! No worries, preparing for the PSAT can be a bit overwhelming, but making sure you've got the right calculator is a great step! The College Board, which administers the PSAT, allows most graphing calculators, all scientific calculators, and all four-function calculators (though the latter is not recommended for the PSAT). Some popular and approved graphing calculator brands include Texas Instruments (like the TI-84 Plus series), Casio (such as the FX-9750GII), and HP. However, make sure that your specific model isn't on the list of prohibited devices, such as calculators with a QWERTY keyboard or those that can access the internet. I recommend checking the College Board's website for the most up-to-date list of approved calculators to be sure. Also, it is a good idea to practice using the same calculator you plan to use on test day to be more comfortable during the exam. Best of luck on your PSAT!

a year ago

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