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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How significant is it to apply to a major that a university is known for?

I've heard that some schools are particularly well-known for certain majors, like how Fordham has a reputation in business. So, how important is it to apply for a major that the university is famous for, in terms of admissions odds and opportunities during college?

a year ago

It's pretty interesting to consider the strengths of a university's program when you're looking at where to apply. Generally, applying to a major that a school is known for can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, those programs often have more resources, opportunities for internships, and stronger alumni networks. For example, if you were eyeing Fordham for business, you'd find they have solid connections in the New York financial and business sectors, which can be a boon for internships and job placements.

On the flip side, these programs can be more competitive due to their popularity. That means your admissions odds could be affected because you'll be up against a larger pool of applicants, many of whom might have impressive credentials geared toward that field. So, in terms of admissions, if you show a genuine interest and have a strong background in the field you're applying to, it can improve your chances – especially if it aligns with a strong program at the university. It shows you've done your homework and are committed to that path.

Just be true to your interests. If a major aligns with your passion and the school excels in that area, it could be a match made in heaven in terms of both admissions and your future opportunities. Try not to force a fit just because of a program's reputation, as being genuine is also something that admissions committees can sense.

a year ago

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