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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Addressing personal struggles like depression in my college essay - yes or no?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to decide if sharing my journey with depression in my college essay is a good move. It's a big part of my story and has profoundly affected my high school years. I want to show resilience, but is this topic too much of a red flag for admissions?

a year ago

Absolutely, sharing personal challenges can be a powerful testament to your resilience in your college essay. It's essential, however, to focus primarily on how you've overcome these struggles and what you've learned from them. Colleges are interested in your growth and ability to handle adversity. Be sure to highlight the positive outcomes: how dealing with depression has made you stronger, more empathetic, or pushed you to engage in activities that have enriched your life or the lives of others.

For example, if you took up painting or jogging as a way to cope, and it blossomed into a passion, that's a compelling story. Or maybe you started a mental health awareness club at your school to support others. It's all about framing it in a way that focuses on the positive angles of your journey. Remember to keep the overall tone optimistic and to demonstrate a clear arc of personal growth and understanding. Admissions committees are looking for students who can reflect thoughtfully on their experiences and emerge with a sense of purpose and direction, regardless of the obstacles they've faced.

a year ago

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