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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Enter Dual Enrollment Courses on Common App

Hey gang, so I took a couple of college courses at my local community college while in high school. I'm kind of lost on how to enter these dual enrollment courses in the Common App. Do they go under the college section or the high school section? Any tips will be lifesavers right now!

a year ago

Hey there! When it comes to entering your dual enrollment courses on the Common App, you'll want to include them in the 'Education' section. There, you can add the community college under 'Colleges & Universities' as an institution you have attended. Make sure you check the box that indicates you have taken college courses prior to graduating high school.

After listing the college, you'll enter the dual enrollment courses exactly as they appear on your community college transcript. Select 'Dual Enrollment' for the course level for each one. This helps admissions officers understand that these courses were taken at the college level while you were still in high school. Don’t forget to also include your high school transcript with the courses listed as dual enrollment there, too. This consistency helps keep your application clear and accurate. Hope that clears things up, and best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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