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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a strong PSAT score for someone aiming for top colleges?

Hello, I'm aiming for some of the more competitive colleges and I'm trying to figure out what PSAT score I should be targeting. Any insights on what’s considered impressive or strong? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Aiming for a top score on the PSAT is an understandable goal if you're looking at competitive colleges. Typically, a strong PSAT score for students eyeing top-tier universities would be in the 95th percentile or above, which often equates to a score of 1400 or higher out of the total 1520 points. However, remember that the PSAT is also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program, where scores required for consideration vary by state and are typically equivalent to the top 1% of scores. While a high PSAT score can be a great indicator of potential success on the SAT, it's not used in college admissions decisions. However, a strong performance can lead to recognition and scholarships, so it's beneficial in that regard. Focus on solid preparation, which will also serve you well when you take the SAT or ACT.

a year ago

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