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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the real deal with PSAT scores and their purpose?

Hey everyone! So I've been wondering, what's the actual use of PSAT scores? I know they're not the same as the SAT, but do colleges see them? Are they just for practice, or is there more to it that we should care about?

a year ago

Hey there! Glad you're looking into the PSAT. It's definitely more than just practice. While colleges won't see your PSAT scores, they serve a few important purposes. Firstly, taking the PSAT gives you a hands-on experience with the format and types of questions you'll see on the SAT. It's a great benchmark for where you currently stand and can help guide your studying for the actual SAT.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the PSAT, however, is its connection to the National Merit Scholarship Program. Scoring within the top 1% of test-takers can qualify you for this prestigious recognition, which in turn can open doors to scholarship opportunities. High scoring students are named Commended Scholars, Semifinalists, and some eventually become National Merit Scholars.

Apart from the National Merit possibilities, a strong PSAT score can sometimes attract attention from colleges through other scholarship offers or recruitment. So, while the score itself isn't part of your college application directly, the accolades and opportunities that might come from it can be advantageous.

Lastly, the PSAT offers insights into which AP courses might be a good fit for you through its AP Potential information. I hope this helps clear up the role of the PSAT, and best of luck preparing for all your exams!

a year ago

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